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潜江4cr13 mould steel

潜江4cr13 mould steel

  • category:潜江Plastic mould steel
  • Views:Times
  • Release date:2022-12-20 19:00:09
  • product description
  • Performance characteristics
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Hot change moulds are not only subjected to huge mechanical stresses, but also to repeated heating and cooling, resulting in huge thermal stresses. In addition to high hardness, strength, red hardness, wear resistance and toughness, hot work mould steel should also have good high temperature strength, thermal fatigue stability, thermal conductivity and corrosion resistance, but also should have a high quenchability to ensure consistent mechanical properties throughout the cross-section. Steel for die casting moulds, the surface layer is repeatedly heated and cooled without cracking and can withstand the erosion properties of liquid metal flow. The steel generally belongs to the medium carbon alloy steel, the mass fraction of carbon is 0.30% to 0.60%, belong to the subanalytical steel, some steel added a lot of alloying elements (such as tungsten, molybdenum, vanadium, etc.), become analytical or over-analytical steel. Common steel grades are chrome manganese steel, chrome nickel steel, chrome tungsten steel, etc. Plastic moulds include thermoplastic moulds and thermosetting plastic moulds. 2714 mould steel for moulding has certain strength, hardness, wear resistance, thermal stability, corrosion resistance and other properties.


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