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黄石4cr13 rolled plate

黄石4cr13 rolled plate

  • category:黄石Plastic mould steel
  • Views:Times
  • Release date:2022-12-20 18:47:45
  • product description
  • Performance characteristics
  • technical parameter

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In terms of mould steel used at home and abroad, the density of mould steel is generally about 7.85, mould steel is usually forgings with a density of 8,000-8400 kg/m3. Due to the different die steel cr12mov, the proportion of its alloy composition is different, and the density circle of the die steel is different.

One of the properties of matter is density, every substance has a certain density, and the density of different substances is generally different.

Based on the density formula: glass = m/v, mould steel density is determined by the factors affecting the mass and volume of 2379 mould steel. At the microscopic level, the density of a substance depends on the molecular weight and the molecular gap. The density of a substance is influenced by its volume, size, mass, pressure, pressure and temperature. The density of a substance itself has certain properties, but substances have a variety of forms, and changes in form can alter the density. For example, heating causes water to vaporise and become less dense, and pressure causes water vapour to condense from a new form into liquid water and become more dense. Everyone knows that 7.8 g/cm[1] is the density of iron. In terms of thermal processing, the repeated installation of ingots and multi-directional rolling increases the deformation of steel, reduces the amount of carbide deviation in steel and helps to improve the anisotropy of steel.


Next:4cr13h rolled sheet2022-12-20